R. Giger’s well known artworks was the Necronom V. It was a 39” x 27” airbrushed work included in his Necronomicon book published in 1977. It was done on heavy archival quintessence paper. The artwork is a surreal image of 3 grotesque alien looking beings intertwined in what could be seen as a sexual position. The center creature has female like features on its body. This is seen along the hips and thighs. It has a monster like head, face, and hands. It appears to be riding another creature, who’s penetrating it from below. The female looking creature also has another being on its back. That creature seems to be penetrating it through the torso and extends up through the mouth of the 3rd creature, resembling its tongue. It also appears that the middle creatures’ skull may be penetrating the torso of the creature on its back. It also resembles an alien riding some type of futuristic surreal type transportation. The creatures look half alive and half mechanical. They have elongated heads, accentuated ribs, and tubing throughout their bodies. White their positioning has sexual undertones, it also looks very violent and painful. They bodies intersect each other in unnatural ways. This artwork was the inspiration for the popular movie Alien. This piece of work was done through a type of painting called airbrushing. While airbrushing does lay paint down in an almost dry form, it is a form of wet media because of the paint used. It’s a very effective and usual way of painting because of its flexibility in the way the paint can be blended. The contrasting and shadows in the painting give way to great detail. The creatures look alive and almost
R. Giger’s well known artworks was the Necronom V. It was a 39” x 27” airbrushed work included in his Necronomicon book published in 1977. It was done on heavy archival quintessence paper. The artwork is a surreal image of 3 grotesque alien looking beings intertwined in what could be seen as a sexual position. The center creature has female like features on its body. This is seen along the hips and thighs. It has a monster like head, face, and hands. It appears to be riding another creature, who’s penetrating it from below. The female looking creature also has another being on its back. That creature seems to be penetrating it through the torso and extends up through the mouth of the 3rd creature, resembling its tongue. It also appears that the middle creatures’ skull may be penetrating the torso of the creature on its back. It also resembles an alien riding some type of futuristic surreal type transportation. The creatures look half alive and half mechanical. They have elongated heads, accentuated ribs, and tubing throughout their bodies. White their positioning has sexual undertones, it also looks very violent and painful. They bodies intersect each other in unnatural ways. This artwork was the inspiration for the popular movie Alien. This piece of work was done through a type of painting called airbrushing. While airbrushing does lay paint down in an almost dry form, it is a form of wet media because of the paint used. It’s a very effective and usual way of painting because of its flexibility in the way the paint can be blended. The contrasting and shadows in the painting give way to great detail. The creatures look alive and almost