5. The waste treatment and safety evaluition of this process The experimental procedure will produce some components, especially the chemical experience, for the production of cellulose nanocrystals, according to the characteristics and the status of laboratory "three wastes" tunicate, sulphuric acid and potassium chloride. 5.1 tunicate…
The resistors R1, R2, RD, and RS calculated in the Prelab section were used to connect the circuit as shown in Figure 8-5. A load resistance RL of 10kΩ was used. The values of VD, VG, VS were measured and recorded. 3. The voltage vout was measured using an oscilloscope and the voltage gain AVG-D = vout/vin was calculated.…
6/10/2015 Mrs Rummins | GRUJICIC, Marko Background: Another name for I/V characteristics is current-voltage. Current and voltage are the factors that are being investigated, there characteristics and effects in diodes of different colours. The Current or I in I/V characteristics refers to the flow of an electric charge.…
Question 1: a) A: Promoter B: Splice site C: 5’ UTR D: Start codon E: Stop codon F: 3’ UTR b) The sum of the exons and introns (all in kilobases) (1.2+8+0.7+27+0.4+11+3.1) = 51.4 kb. c) The sum of the exons (all in kilobases) (1.2+0.7+0.4+3.1) = 5.4 kb.…
b. When measuring the resistance value with the Avo 8, possible reasons for varience include a parallax error (not looking at the reading from directly above the meter), a reading error due to less divisions when measuring resistance, or the device not being properly zeroed. When measuring current, there are also fewer division, parallax is still a potential issue, and finally, incorrect zeroing of the meter. Voltage has an additional error, the loading of the meter itself. Alongside this issue, there is also parallax, zero, and accuracy/divisions.…
In Procedure 6.1, two different gels were used. One gel was 2.0% agarose while the other gel was 0.8% agarose. The reason we poured two gels was because each gel had a different purpose. The 2.0% agarose (thicker gel) was used to determine amplicons while the 0.8% agarose (thinner gel) was used for restriction fragments. One gel was ‘thicker’ than the other gel to distinguish smaller segments than the thinner gel.…
On the way from solar cell to the solar module, the output efficiency decreases. For example when a multi-crystalline PV solar cells of 17.8% efficiency is used, the resulting efficiency of a module is around 15.9 to 16.3%. This decrease in efficiency is mainly because of three distinct losses listed below. 1. Optical losses generated by material reflectance and absorption 2.…
Lower Sample Rate (22,050 SR, 128 kbps): 8/10 Since there was some slight static, we gave the sample a 8/10. This could have occurred because of the rustling of the recorders jacket. Since the phone was placed close to the recorder, this sound could have been easy to pick up by the recording device. I think if we were able to listen to the recording with headphones, it would have been a more accurate depiction of the quality. There was some breathing and wind sound that could be heard in the background noise, especially in the rainbow passage reading.…
In normal mode, the oscilloscope only sweeps if the input signal reaches the set trigger point; otherwise (on an analog oscilloscope) the screen is blank or (on a digitizing oscilloscope) frozen on the last acquired waveform. Normal mode can be disorienting since you may not see the signal at first if the level control is not adjusted correctly. Auto mode causes the oscilloscope to sweep, even without a trigger. If no signal is present, a timer in the oscilloscope triggers the sweep. This ensures that the display will not disappear if the signal drops to small voltages.…
Name ____________________________________ Lab-Getting Trendy Pre-Lab 1. Which property uniquely identifies a chemical element? (hint: the element’s “social security number”) ______________________ 2. Describe the general characteristics of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.…
Speed, availability, and reliability are vital for a successful network infrastructure in terms of productivity and user experience. When first configuring this lab, I had to make the decision of whether or not to use one server to run all of the services or if the load should be distributed amongst multiple machines. I decided to go with the later, having a separate server hosting the wiki, another providing monitor services, and yet another acting as the DHCP, DNS and AD controller. While the last three were not required in the scope of this lab, I wanted to set up my initial network in a scalable manner, and this was the best solution for future growth. Distributing the services across multiple machines helps to reduce the processing that each box is required to do in order to fulfill requests.…
Figure 8. shows the response of the carbon chain atoms triglycerides to an infrared radiance, which the fuel with the catalyst responds faster to the transmitted heat is around 31% T, and the fuel without the catalyst is around 40% T. These results indicated that the atom's bond in triglyceride chain is weakened, the viscosity decreases and the fuel readily absorb heat. Moreover, the highest temperatures achieved (see fig 3) and the shorter burnout time (see fig 6) prove that the fuel with the catalyst has a great…
1. Why is it a good idea to keep personal information confidential? I think it is important because when you keep it confidential you won’t get your identity stolen. 2. Summarize the components of a strong password?…
1. (8pts) From these data, graph your mean arterial pressure (MAP; see formula) and heart rate (y axes) vs. workload (in METS) on the x-axis (include resting results). Using this information, answer the following questions. Show ALL work. MAP…
From the table of result, the highest percentage of killed bacteria is 99.7% with only 4 live colonies in the tube 1. It proven that vinegar is a great disinfectant as there is a huge number of killed bacteria. This is because there is 100% of disinfectant. Inversely, tube 4 has the lowest percentage of killed bacteria, where only 37.5% of bacteria are killed. Tube 4 has a huge number of live colonies with 580 colonies.…