Nt1310 Unit 4 Test Report Sample

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This morning I received a call from the subcontractor who is to provide the floating floors for the project. The subcontractor asked about how to view the most recent construction documents. I directed him to our file transfer protocol (FTP) site, which houses all of the documents that have been issued, approved requests for information (RFIs), and submittals. After checking the site to make sure the subcontractor was set up on the site, I was able to give him the information he needed to access the documents.

This afternoon I reviewed the lighting fixture package that was submitted for approval. After analyzing the package, I was able to identify missing and misidentified lighting fixtures. I created an Excel spreadsheet that listed the issues in the lighting package and sent this to the subcontractor. I requested that the revised lighting package be returned to me by Friday, October 16 to give me plenty of time to address any further issues.
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The structural slab is specified to reach four-thousand pounds per square inch (psi) after twenty-eight days. The sampled concrete only reached two-thousand nine-hundred psi after twenty-eight days. I was able to understand the importance of the compression test due to the knowledge gained in Construction Materials and Methods II.

The project team was discussing ways to remedy the issue of the failed concrete test. My superintendent mentioned a Schmidt hammer test. He told me that this is a test performed on cured concrete is able to measure the psi of the concrete. The test utilizes a special tool that measures the rebound of the material. If we were to perform this test on the job, it would tell us what the current psi of the concrete was onsite. The Schmidt hammer test alongside a recommendation from our structural engineer would conclude this

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