2. The first job that uses microscopes are forensic specialists. Forensic specialists use microscopes to observe specimens such as blood, skin, or hair from crime scenes. Another job that uses microscopes is microbiology. Microbiologists …show more content…
K. Fine focusing knob.
5. I believe the microscope that has been primarily used in this lab is the compound binocular light microscope.
6. A. The iris diaphragm is the part of the microscope that controls how much light enters the condenser.
B. The ocular lense magnifies the image which is formed by the objective lens.
C. The condenser is the part of the microscope that focuses light through the specimen being observed.
7. A. The function of a diopter on a microscope is to fix the difference between both eyes so the image is clear.
B. The interpupillary distance is the distance from the center of one pupil to the center of the other; the distance between oculars. Correcting this distance will make the images one when looking through a microscope.
8. In order to find the total magnification of a compound microscope with an objective lens of 10X and an ocular lens of 4X, I believe you have to multiply the two. With that being said, 10x4=40X.
9. Coverslips are used to observe specimens under microscopes in order to protect the objective lense from being contaminated by the specimen being observed. Also, coverslips help keep the specimen in …show more content…
A. After observing the letter “e” with the virtual microscope, it appears to be backwards and perhaps upside down. Compared to its appearance in the newspaper, the letter “e” is more transparent looking and not completely filled in. In a newspaper the letter “e” looks more dark and full.
B. The lenses on the microscope invert the image causing it to look reversed. With that being said, if the slide is moved to the right with the mechanical stage, the specimen will move left.
11. I was able to see the sequence of the of the colors more clearly when I transitioned from 4X magnification to 10X. At 40X magnification I wasn’t able to see much except the colors blurred together.
12. I noticed a few differences in in the various tissues/organelles, such as color and structure. For example, the plant epidermis was a teal color with a purple nucleus, and the spirogyra was more of a green color with a brown colored nucleus. Next, the plant epidermis had a structure that was more close together. On the other hand, the spirogyra had a structure that wasn’t as close together and more spread