This is an interesting journey, just the thought of taking three classes at the same time is quite terrifying. After completing all three classes on the first round, will help to end the butterflies that are jumping around in the stomach. This is just the venting introduction and below are the topic of the discussion.
There were many lessons learned from the University’s Orientation Seminar. The orientation allowed the student to tour the courseroom, this really helped to understand the website. The website is not as easy as some schools and the inside tour really helped. However, each time you open the courseroom, another Easter egg hunt. For example, if everything was in one place for each course it would be easier to find and understand how to get the assignments completed. The worst part is that there are many links that are not working properly in the orientation and on the course information from the instructors. The good part is that Capella has provided an easy to use Quick Links for Academic Tutoring, APA formatting, Library research tips, and much more. Capella is making it easy to meet the goal of the PhD, by providing many tools to help the students (Library, 2015). I like the fact that Capella encourages the students to work together as a team. This amount of help from Capella University easy to use links will influence me and my peers to complete the studies of the doctorate within the 10 to 12 quarters timeframe. So far, I have learned to use techniques, links and strategies to get this course completed. The counselors provided by Capella is just awesome. I can hardly wait to see what else we will learn from Capella University over the next 10 to 12 quarters. The DIT program will make it easier to stick with the course by reducing the time required to complete the program. Of course, there is plenty hard work ahead, …show more content…
I have set up folders on my browsers for downloads named Capella downloads, and the other for bookmarks named CapellaNew. I have also created a book as a quick note guide and logged Capella important phone numbers in a special place outside of the computer. I will check the grades periodically to make sure the assignments completed are on schedule. The best part is that I am going to have to prepare to use the time wisely and develop skills that relate to the field of study.
Strengths. I truly believe my strength is more in writing than anything else. But, I can definitely use improvement in researching, time management, study skills, and defining the topic (Capella, 2015).
Weaknesses. The weakness is more in time management mainly due to distractions from others calling the house phone. I always think it is urgent to answer and the call will last sometimes over an hour. It is hard to explain to others the call has to end or do not call between certain hours. The approach method of handling distractions is the main weakness.
Comfort. The level of comfort I have with the DIT program is probably a 3. It is still very new and reading all the rules, regulations, guidelines, grading systems has made it scary (Yates, 2015). The caution flag goes up and makes the person wonder if perhaps the goal is too high or too difficult to reach. The key focus is stimulus, time management and positive thinking. I know I can do