When a patient is on a ventilator, …show more content…
It is commonly known that hand washing is extremely effective at preventing the spread of pathogens from patient to patient and protects healthcare workers (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). Therefore, proper hand hygiene is critical for ventilated patients to prevent VAP. A study conducted with 100 ventilated patients showed bacteria in oral secretion flora similar to the bacteria in lung secretions and more prominent than previously thought (Heo, 2008). The study was conducted by sampling fluid via broncho-alveolar lavage and tracheal aspirate, of which, 60% of bacteria were identified (Heo, 2008). If a healthcare worker was providing oral care for a patient and did not conduct proper hand hygiene, these abundant pathogens could easily travel to infect a susceptible patient, specifically, a ventilated …show more content…
The studies discussed within this research article demonstrate that VAP adds costs as a result of extended hospital and intensive care stays, time on mechanical ventilation, increased antibiotic use, and the potential of antibiotic resistant pathogens. With these factors in mind, it becomes obvious that a proven method of success to reduce the prevalence of VAP is critical to save lives, improve quality of patient care, and reduce costs. Until research reveals an effective measure to prevent VAP, it may benefit critical care units to utilize ventilator bundles since they have the best clinical results. In conclusion, these various methods of preventing VAP demonstrate promise and if utilized in concert with each other along with education and basic infection control (such as hand washing), VAP can be reduced while the evidence based research