Non-Generative Note-Taking In The Classroom

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The methods of learning have changed over thirty years ago. Technology has made a significant impact on how teachers teach. Teachers and students would be teaching and learning from words on a chalk board. Now, today, smartboards are used to help teach a classroom of students. Being a student myself, I hear on a regular basis, teachers telling the class that they didn’t grow up with the digital gadgets we young kids had since we were born. The kids of this generation are used to having everything automatic or instant. For example, instead of writing a handwritten letter to someone, we text, and instantly the message is received to the person on the other end of the line.
Personally, when it comes to taking notes, I prefer to write them down. I’m sure other
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Non-generative note-taking is common in many schools though. When students have computers, phones, or tablets in their hands, we are tempted to use them and end up being distracted. With paper and pencil, we become more attentive and instead of writing every word a teacher may say, we summarize, paraphrase, and use concept mapping.

The no phone policy at Massaponax High School has raised up the percentage of more participation and grades. Students actually have face-to-face conversations. We use eye contact and actually listen. There is no texting a person in the same class as them. Also it doesn’t disrupt them from learning. Students absorb information a teacher teaches them and tends to ask more questions. Instead of being on social media, we become aware of what is going on outside of the digital world. Such as the devastating effect Hurricane Harvey left on Texas. We do not have access to taking selfies or looking to see how many “Likes” we have. That is for time outside of school. Students become interested and focused in school. Using the old-fashioned way of note- taking has led to many successful students and verbal conversations between other

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