The Nazis started up many extermination camps in Poland where people would be sent just to be killed. Here they used poison gas chambers to kill all of them. In just the year of 1942, they killed around 2.7 million jews, which happened to be the most intense year of killing during that time. These facts should be surprising to you and all of the terrible things they did to Jews during this time. (BBC News and Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution).
In conclusion, Elie Wiesel has shared many of her own experiences in her book Night. It is always hard to believe that a group of people could have done this to millions and millions of people. In the story, it focuses pretty much on the transportation to the camps, everything that happened there, and the death of the Jews making it the worst time to be alive. This was one of the most disgusting and worst things to have ever happened in history and the groups of people that were affected didn’t deserve any of