Negative Stereotypes In Video Games Essay

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Video games keeps reinforcing these negative representations and stereotypes each title they release, this negatively impacts the consumers of these videogames by changing their view and expectations of females in reality. Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz & Dana Mastro (2009) stated that the male audiences prefer to choose an ‘’over sexualized’’ and that short term effects of exposure to female video games characters can influence gender related beliefs and self concepts’’. In the Game ‘’Metroid’’ the female protagonist ‘Samus’ keeps getting more sexier and desirable each year it is releases a new game title. From the past she has been upgraded to have a larger chest, wear higher high heels, and a more of a fake buttocks like Nicki Minaj. This means …show more content…
This shows that Video games franchises like ‘Tomb Raider’ are favorable by the male audiences due to the characters being so overly sexualized which grab their attention of these thirsty men. There are men out there that would spend their cash on games because ‘there 's a really hot chick in it’’. In the end sex does sell, most consumers would be attracted to video games with these sort of features. Compared to the female point of view of these unfair sexual representations, they would offer the same opinion as the male and prefer to choose something more sexier and feminine. Other video games without over sexualized female characters don’t gain much popularity compared to games with sexbomb characters like ‘Tomb Raider’ , ’Metroid’, or ‘final fantasy’. That 's why games with an ‘ugly’ or ‘plain’ looking female characters are discriminated against the ‘hot and sexy’ looking type. I strongly believe this fact is true as I have experienced this as a long term gamer. Sexy game characters are not the only way to earn money for the gaming industries, but they also used real females too. They use attractive and sexually desirable females in their game title advertisements. It is very common to use sexy female models to advertise their games to attract thirsty male audiences to buy their games. In certain countries they use their ideal sexualised female models just to get their male gamers to play. Usually these advertisement has no relevance to the game what 's so ever. For an example the mobile game “games of wars” uses the model ‘Kate Upton’ to advertise their game to attract gamers globally to their app and play. One of their advertisement reveals Kate Upton taking a bath wearing absolutely nothing and then she slowly

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