“You don’t have to cough, you just have to breathe to get the disease because it is airborne and dangerous”. In US approximately 90 percent of parents vaccinate their children and follow recommended schedule which is 28 immunizations to protect against 14 different diseases in their first two years of life. 10 percent of parents either skip or delay some shots and 1 percent don’t vaccinate at all. The reason behind, not vaccinating or delaying or skipping is that parents are scared to inject anything in their child’s body thinking it might harm them and it is reasonable from parents point of view. But today, children are getting sick and dying from preventable disease (like measles, whooping cough) like it happens in third world countries.
Every parents want their children healthy and safe but they should also …show more content…
Measles can be droplet or airborne spread if someone coughs. Ninety percent of the people who are exposed and don’t have immunity to fight will get the disease. For instance, touching the elevator button, ATM, close contact with people and even a brief exposure can be very infectious. According to research, more than 35, 000 people were exposed, 58 were infected including two pregnant women and all of them were unvaccinated against measles.
Some parents want to vaccinate their children but they don’t want to follow the recommended schedule without knowing if it is right thing to do because it’s hurting their children. Marianna Fastovsky vaccinated her child but then he had a seizure which made them worried if its a really right thing to do. And she became curious about, the risk of getting vaccine, if is it okay to have a seizure after the vaccination? Brian Zikmund-Fisher says, it is okay to raise the question, it is okay be concerned about and yes it is the start of the conversation but not the