responsibility on helping to help future distraught peers that show signs of abuse and negligence.
How does abuse and neglect shape the future of our youth? When youth and children that are
growing up in violent households many grow to think they are not contributing to themselves and or to
society. Youth find other aspects to overcoming their neglect as they begin hanging out with the wrong
groups of people and start using drugs. For example Widom, Czaja, Wilson, Allwood, Chauhan (2013)
reported that “negative consequences of neglect across a number of domains of functioning include
lower levels of academic and intellectual functioning” (p.42). …show more content…
(Ryan, Williams, Courtney 2013).
May Chahal, Cawson (2005) state that youth who lack healthcare access and hygiene
conditions that are due to “intermediate neglect” (Definitions of maltreatment, para 4). Youth are
neglected to living in a clean home or even having the very least form of healthcare. When they are
out in engaging in their daily means, (eg. school, and or work), they are frowned upon by society for
not engaging in healthy hygiene or health. Being overweight or “filthy” looking The level of Self
esteem of drops and they might develop social anxiety against society because of his or her condition
of not being accepted. May Chahal, Cawson (2005) states that Poor living conditions harm youths
“social development and friendship patterns” (Definitions of maltreatment para 4) This form of
negligence damage the youths image in the long run of their lives and could cause serious health
problems in the future if not treated with counselling and appropriate healthcare.
When growing up in a environment where your own parents don 't care for you one can …show more content…
correlation between both Crime and poverty are mainly high (Winstok, Straus 2012). Youth that are
raised in poverty and abuse do not seek help to improve after a set period of time because they are used
to the life they are living and think there are not other means to getting around it anymore. It is argued
that school was their last opportunity to seek help themselves to go further in society (Fredrick
Goddard 2010). Developing the sense of self according to with the idea of Brym & Lie (2015)
Charles Horton the looking glass self takes note to that when teachers “evaluate” (p.56) youth in a
negative perspective they go against the positive tone and may rebel out against school. Educational
neglect (Pintrijel 2012) explain that parents who do not give attention to their children schoolwork and
homework hurt the child’s future success chances. A lack of finished homework concerns the teachers
and they force more work upon the neglected child to do. Youth might think that teachers do not
understand them and might think they are not being fair. He or she may end up dropping out because of
the image he or she is portraying to the