“Both the Gates and French Families instilled the values of volunteerism and civic engagement. Our families believed that if life happens to bless you, you should use those gifts as wisely as you can.”
Wherever you go in Seattle, you’ll find someone welcoming you to the Pacific Northwest. Even the ambiance at the first ever U.S. Education Learning Forum, a gathering of the nation’s greatest minds in education. The event marked the fifteenth year of the Gates Foundation’s involvement in the field of education. Most surprisingly, these geniuses we’re receptive and approachable.
“Hi, I’m Bill,” said the wealthiest man on the planet said to the steady line of people waiting their turn to shake …show more content…
Some were glaringly obvious — Bill and Melinda Gates, co-chair one of the biggest foundations focused on education in the country. Some less so but just as important — Carlos Chavez, a Gates Millennium scholar, spoke about his experiences as a community college student in today’s America.
The forum focused on four key areas — advancing educational outcomes for learners in the twenty-first century, valuing and supporting great teaching, the promise of personalized learning and building a movement with students and educators at its core.
All of the teachers, students, administrators, entrepreneurs, politicians and lobbyists milling about at the breakfast buffet had one thing in common — they traveled to Seattle to put their minds together and work to reform the United States public school system.
Setting the stage for Gates’ keynote address were some of the leaders of the Gates Foundation and several past winners of the prestigious Gates Millennium scholarship — among the scholars were a recruiter for Google, a mechanical engineer, and a Juris Doctor …show more content…
“In today’s economy, you need some post-secondary credential to even have the slightest chance,” Cheryl L. Hyman, Chancellor of Chicago City Colleges.
Addressing the Foundation’s involvement in global health, Melinda Gates said, “if you don’t start healthy, education is not relevant.” Non-profit organizations like Young Invincibles receive funds from the Gates Foundation to help ensure that young people’s voices are heard in the healthcare debate.
It was clear the common goal was to support innovation that can improve U.S. K-12 schools and ensure that students graduate from high school ready to succeed in college.
Although this goal may seem universal, the Gates have still had difficulties in their quest for better education through their support of the common core