Awaiting the answer that you really don’t quite understand. I knew something was wrong, I could hear the wary tone that was expressed by the phone call I had just answered. My aunt was always a cheerful person, and this was just unlike the customary tone she portrays. My father falls to his knees. He hands the phone to my mother who quietly responds to the voice on the phone. “Hello?” says my mother in a cautious voice. “We will be there directly.” My mother gathers my sister from her room, and my father who was still kneeling in the damp grass. As I stare out our Jeep’s car window I watch the Evergreen trees pass by in rows. The hot tears slowly streaming down my blush cheeks. The thought that he could be gone and so soon was unimaginable. “Claire honey, I don’t know if you will understand this but your Grandpa Zellers passed away today. He was in very bad accident up on the farm.” My mother went on to explain that my Grandfather was crushed by the ATV rolling on top of him. He was unable to escape or even call for help. She told me that the doctors are unsure whether he suffered or was in a coma. I collapse in the smooth leather of the seat. I cover my eyes with my forearm, trying to be forgot those horrible words that I had just heard.The question that lingers in my mind is, what if I had gone that morning? I start to believe that it 's my fault my grandfather is dead. I instantly regret not going with him that morning to spray the electric …show more content…
Time doesn’t ever stop. You must make the most of the time you have in the world. The future is always uncertain, time can change the future. In the future I will continue to master the skills taught by my Grandfather’s passing. Taking initiative to spend the time with the people I care about, whether it be my future husband, my children, or our extended family is a goal of mine. I have learned that not spending that time to get to know my Grandpa was a missed opportunity. The opportunity being that I could have gained another major role model in my life. The more influences you have the better off you are. Missed time with my Grandpa has gave me the insight that I might want to be a Pharmacist as my career. Being a pharmacist would allow me to help people live long and happy lives with their families. Where the people I help they have the chance to build memories with their grandchildren that I didn’t get. I want to make other humans time on earth longer unlike the time I had with my Grandpa Poodie. Time will always affect my future and where I plan to be. Time might make my dreams of the future become true slower than anticipated but I know that time will not conquer me and my dreams for where I plan to