Author: Chris Kyle w/ Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice
Text Type: Autobiography
This novel is a thrilling personal account of Chris Kyle who is better known as the deadliest marksman in U.S. military history. A Texan saddle bronc rider turned navy seal with over 150 kills confirmed to his name across 4 tours spent in Iraq, Kyle earned a legendary status among his fellow soldiers and struck fear in the eyes of his enemies who nicknamed him “the devil”. A gripping memoir of the courage and pain felt during war and the strain it put on his life and marriage upon his return home. One major issue that comes into play throughout this novel and affects the lives of many soldiers who return home is posttraumatic stress disorder …show more content…
His wife Taya shares accounts of how difficult it was for her husband to let go of the war and just be present as a loving wife and father “if you think the war hasn’t changed you then you’re wrong”. The strain that was placed on their marriage become increasingly worse and Taya had considered leaving her husband due to the struggle of raising two kids by herself and wondering whether she would see her husband alive again” every single person suffers; every marriage has some major battles”. Chris let him self go physically and began drinking a lot in order to cope with the painful memories and damaging effects placed on his mind. After Chris’ decision to “get his mind right” he quickly made up for lost time with his children and found his purpose in helping other veterans cope with …show more content…
He faced incredible danger out on the field in Iraq and avoided expert killers who put a bounty on Kyle but was taken out by one of his own in broad daylight. Having been through the trouble of adjusting back into civilian life, Chris wanted to help those who were in the same position he was to ease their way back into routine. Chris told his wife Taya that she was “worth fighting for” after she told him she knew how hard a fight it was for him to get back to who he was. Before Chris left, Taya closes the door slowly as she sees him off and this foreshadows his death as the screen goes black. Chris was shot at the rural shooting range by the veteran he was trying to help. Claims that have been made within the reality of the situation is that the troubled veteran’s (Eddie Ray Routh) mother asked Chris to help her son adjust to society and Chris accepted to help Eddie with his friend Chad Littlefield. Both men took Eddie to Rough Creek Lodge and Resort where Eddie shot Kyle six times and Littlefield seven times. The trial which had been ongoing for over two years had come to a verdict recently. Eddie Ray Routh has been sentenced to life in prison without