Growing up, I didn’t have many luxuries, if any. The best thing I had was being a 5 minute walk away from a convenience store. The house I grew up in was infested with cockroaches and was falling apart within the walls. The dining room was so small, some of us had to eat on the floor. We only had three bedrooms, so my three younger siblings had to sleep in the living room. For half the time I lived there. The bathroom had no working lights and many of my siblings, including me, were scared of the dark. Despite all of that, we tried to make the best of it. Having 7 kids in the house, we had many birthday parties and we would try to make those fun for the whole family. I would also play video games with my sisters. It wasn’t the best …show more content…
He was my classmate during my 5th and 6th year of elementary. He was a really nice guy and brought me gifts from time to time. However, I didn’t feel the same way he felt about me. Eventually he wrote me a love letter. Needless to say, I read it, and I threw it away. ‘Somehow’ my dad found out and I got in trouble., even though I really didn’t really like him back. You see, my dad didn’t want me to date until I was 30, so him reading the love note Arthur gave me, and reading the words “I really want to kiss you” kind of got him really mad. So the next day, I told him off and never spoke to him again. That was my first …show more content…
It took 12 years, but I’m here. This year was one of my best years academically since elementary. I was never to keep above a 2.5 GPA in my high school career. Sometimes I would fail as much as half my classes at a time. This year, I’m passing all of my classes with a 3.5 GPA and on track to graduation. And along the way I made some amazing friends. Iris Madrinan was just so enjoyable to be around and we both shared an interest in video games and digital culture. Then I have Celeste Dickson who I look up to and admire for how strong she is. I hope for a better future for her everyday, and I’m so proud of her for making it so far, even when the odds were stacked against her. She can only improve, and I have seen that. I have also manage to waste a year of my life doing nothing but playing video games. Senioritis hit me pretty hard near the end, I’m not gonna lie. I’m disappointed I don’t get to finish strong for my mother, but at least I made it. Something else happened that I didn’t think would ever happen. For the first time in years, I actually enjoyed going to a math class. I have always struggled with math because my counselors always advanced me without a good foundation. This year I got to start over and only add on more knowledge to my basic math skills and really test my abilities. It’s easily my most difficult class and I actually feel like I get to really work my brain in that class. Before, I was scared