Even though we know the Copernican model of the universe to be true, as Naomi states “The Ptolemaic model was believed by many very smart people for many centuries.” The reason? It predicted things that came true. During the same time, when Nicolai Copernicus put forth his model for the universe, it was quickly turned down as when it was tested, no evidence for it was found. So, even though a theory may fit in or prove a law of nature, does not necessarily mean that that theory is true. Here, she was able to show her audience scientists should not be trusted for the textbook “scientific model”, rather she proves through a real life example in the the scientific past, of a man whose scientific model we know and use today, being turned down because of the distrust of anything other than the sometimes illogical scientific method. The second, and more often used method of science is the of the inductive nature. Again, Naomi uses an example very well known in history, one of Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin had no theory in mind when he travelled the world, all he knew was that he had a love for science, and so, he
Even though we know the Copernican model of the universe to be true, as Naomi states “The Ptolemaic model was believed by many very smart people for many centuries.” The reason? It predicted things that came true. During the same time, when Nicolai Copernicus put forth his model for the universe, it was quickly turned down as when it was tested, no evidence for it was found. So, even though a theory may fit in or prove a law of nature, does not necessarily mean that that theory is true. Here, she was able to show her audience scientists should not be trusted for the textbook “scientific model”, rather she proves through a real life example in the the scientific past, of a man whose scientific model we know and use today, being turned down because of the distrust of anything other than the sometimes illogical scientific method. The second, and more often used method of science is the of the inductive nature. Again, Naomi uses an example very well known in history, one of Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin had no theory in mind when he travelled the world, all he knew was that he had a love for science, and so, he