US History
17 May 2018 The NAFTA contributions to Mexico,Canada and the United States
While signing the NAFTA Bill Clinton said it meant jobs.NAFTA was created to as a way to encourage free trade.Trade barriers would be a huge problem for the United States,Canada and Mexico so introducing this make sure that barriers would be broken.
In 1994 the North American Free Trade Agreement came into effect,creating one of the worlds largest free trade zones and laying the foundations for the strong economic growth and rising prosperity for Canada,Mexico and the United States.Since then, NAFTA has demonstrated how free trade increases wealth,competitiveness,delivering real benefits to families,farmers,workers,manufacturers …show more content…
firms to relocate in Mexico although this was the case the loss of this imported growth would likely happen without the North American Trade Agreement.So there is some fault towards the agreement and there is some towards the United States because this lost of jobs would have happened with or without the North American Free Trade Agreement. A number of studies have found that the North American Free Trade Agreement has brought overall economic benefits to the Mexican economy but the benefits were not evenly distributed throughout the country.It help Mexico closed the gaps it had with Canada and the United States and it contributed to Mexico's economic recovery after the 1995 exchange rate crisis. The Political effects of the North American Trade Agreement was that it provided North American businesses with better access to