My academic goal is to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering. I decided on this major because of my exposure to both chemistry and engineering while in high school. I was first introduced to chemistry in the tenth grade, and while the class was challenging and slightly confusing, I was fascinated that the entire world is composed of a combination of only 118 elements. I pursued my interest in chemistry by attending four different summer camps dealing with chemistry in general, all of which allowed me to perform experiments in a college laboratory. Working with chemicals is one of the most exciting parts, and is unique to this subject. In addition, I attended engineering classes all throughout high school including Civil Engineering. In these classes, I learned about the process which actual engineers go through to solve a problem. I also learned the value of teamwork as well as introduction to engineering design. Despite the difficult coursework of Chemical Engineering, I feel like I am prepared because of the challenging AP classes I have taken in high school including calculus, chemistry, and environmental. I am excited about studying chemical engineering because it combines my passions for science and problem solving, while helping others. Ideally, I would like to be hired by a pharmaceutical company that appreciates my Chemical Engineering degree. As a Chemical Engineer I would take all of my studies to do my job ethically and responsibly while improving the lives of others. Another of my life goals is to continue to grow in my Faith. I have been raised in a Catholic family, so attending church and participating in the sacraments is central to my life. So far I have made my First Communion wand with that my First Confirmation, and this past year I was preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. I was able to participate in a class called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This class prepared me for Confirmation through lectures and retreats. In May, I was confirmed and now I am a full member of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, my church does not have the resources to have a youth group. I hope that college will be my opportunity to become involved in a youth program with people my age. In addition, I hope that college is a time where I can raise awareness of Catholic views. One of my aspirations would be to protest abortions out on the streets with hundreds of others. Even if that does not happen, I would like to continue to have a strong Faith throughout my life. …show more content…
Volunteer work has always been very important to me, and I have worked with a number of organizations, the most notable of which has been my school district. I had the privilege of volunteering in a program that the middle school has each year. This year, I was able to help translate for the families filling out the Free and Reduced Lunch form. I felt glad that I found a situation I could help with just by being bilingual. This led me to my wanting to study Spanish in order to help others, and since I already speak Spanish fluently at home, I was put in a Spanish class that prepares for the AP exam in May. I want to speak Spanish formally and fluently, so I hope to pass the AP Spanish Language test with nothing less than a five to earn college credit. My goal would be to minor in Spanish or receive a Spanish teaching certificate once I get to college. My ultimate goal would be to travel to a Spanish speaking country with Engineers without Borders and combine my engineering education and Spanish skills to make a real impact in a rural