A nurse that is in the research role in the health care field can greatly influence the outcome for the patients. One of the many things a researcher could be doing is searching to improve policies and procedures. The researcher could be looking at evidence-based practice to find the information for the policies and procedures. It is important to give the patient the most accurate and up to date treatment, that he or she needs. Master’s-prepared nurses should have “skills… in identifying actual …show more content…
13). The development of my role as a collaborator is related to, “Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes” (“The essentials of master’s education in nursing,” 2011, p. 22). Both of these essentials are ones that are taught during a masters program. However, being a registered nurse I am currently in the researcher and collaborator roles. Being in a master’s program will strengthen these roles for me. Being on the generalist track in the master’s program it is important that the program involved all of the essential and roles that a nurse could