Personal Narrative: My Identity Vs. My Digital Identity

Improved Essays
Have you ever felt the urge to change some part of you? That you wish you could be a different person with all the blazing qualities.(That’s tempting, right? )I know everybody wishes that. Yes, that feeling which makes our live’s unsatisfying and sad. And Internet has done it. The internet era has created new existent spaces for human kind, changing the interactive mode of communication and providing multiple identities in social media platform.
Almost all of us live part of our lives online. Social media has been one of the most growing and trending social activities. It has changed the way of communication and sharing information. Through social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat people(users) share their photos, videos,
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I mostly be myself wherever I go. But I found out some difference too. I found out that I change my personality when I go online. What I mean by that is, I act all confident, brave and outspoken in my digital self where as in my real life I am a bit shy person. Digital Identity has given people an escape route from reality. It gives us a new platform where we can be whoever we want. Now ask yourself. Who are you in digital identity? What are your similarities and differences? Knowing or unknowing we change ourself. In my real life identity, I don 't talk very much i.e compare to those who can keep talking endlessly. If you meet me you will know that. Also I am a bit shy in nature. May be that’s why I don 't talk too much. I find it a bit difficult to talk with other people at first. Eventually I loosen up. But my digital self is confident, outgoing. Looking at my facebook profile, status and comments I get a different vibe. I am very outspoken and funny person who uses sarcasm towards people, makes bold statements, talks about things as if he knows all. In contrast I found out that I am conscious free and relax person in digital identity but in real life I am a conscious guy who thinks too much and stresses

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