Nurses need to look at themselves as nurturing, understanding, and responsible educators. Along with the actual job, nurses must also possess a passion and commitment for their job. All together, becoming a nurse is one thing, but being committed to a lifetime of helping the community is …show more content…
The environment includes both the basic physical needs like air and water, but it also includes nonphysical like your culture and social needs.
Known as the “Florence Nightingale of the 20th century,” Virginia Henderson was an advocate for nursing, and made many monumental contributions towards defining the role the nurse plays with the patient. In Virginia Henderson’s “Need Theory,”she identified fourteen fundamental needs that make up the core of patient care. Furthermore, Henderson (2006): “identified the nurse variously as helping nature cure the patient, helping the physician cure the patient, acting as a professional mother, giving psychological support, meeting a person’s health needs, nourishing and giving physical care, attaining, retaining and regaining health, helping the patient pursue behavioural integrity and caring for and rehabilitating the sick.”(25)
Till this day, Henderson’s ideas about nursing are still relevant and can still be an influence in the practice of