My microteaching experience was very beneficial to me, in the sense that it developed my confidence as well as focused on areas that need improvement. It was an interesting training opportunity to benefit from. Also, microteaching was a fun experience that we as trainee teachers to teach our peers a micro lesson, which ranged from 5 to 10 minutes. After every mini lesson, we received a review about it from our tutor who observes our performance in addition to feedback from our classmates.
Micro-teaching was not my first teaching experience because I had had a one-month internship in a private high school, before I enrolled for TEFL program at ENS-Rabat. But micro-teaching was very different because it gave me control …show more content…
I think the experience of observing most of them was valuable for I had the chance to be exposed to different teaching styles and strategies, as well as to brainstorm my own strategies. The first micro-teaching assignment was to plan a lesson to teach lexis in context. One of my objectives for this assignment was to devise and use a visual aid efficiently to teach three vocabularies. I think that the use of pictures was very helpful to teach vocabulary; it helps to activate students’ schemata by asking ‘wh’ questions about the pictures. Another goal that I had for this micro lesson was to use my body language and to try to make eye contact with students. I think that I delivered this lesson successfully in regard to these goals. But the lesson time management was uncontrolled. Most of the feedback and comments I received from my tutor and my classmates were about my voice projection. As the comments were constructive I feel I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. And now I can improve my weaknesses to make them work in my …show more content…
It was something I did not plan for. For instance in the listening micro lesson, some of them asked questions or asked me to rewind the audio file while they were supposed to be listening to it and do not disturb their colleagues. I have learned that I have to put some rules from the beginning of the session. For instance, I should tell students to write down their questions and wait till the end of the audio file. Besides, these like-real situations helped me to be more comfortable standing up in front of