While I’m at home not working on a career at the moment, I’m working towards a degree while I have time before my baby boy comes into this world. I would definitely have a greater financial stability that what’s I’m working with right now because I don’t have a job at this certain time in my life. I would like for my next job to have amazing benefits that will not only help me but help my children in their future. This will have a massive affect in my life because I will probably miss out on my children’s lives while I’ll be working, but it would be for them to have a stable future. That’s a sacrifice I will be willing to make for my …show more content…
I want to be a great mother to my children and watch them achieve their goals in life. I want to complete school and have time to manage my personal life with my business life. I just want to be great at everything I do, no matter if I have set backs or obstacles I have to get through. These aren’t hard goals to achieve, but it’s going to take lots of hard work and dedication. I hope my family will fully support me in the next ten years to achieve a better self-image of myself and become someone that’s made a change in myself and the community in which I live