Since then I had constant communication with my friends and significant others. Social media has shaped my generation into hiding behind a screen instead of talking to people face to face. In fact during my interview my mother mentioned how my generation does not know how to commutate well to others. We miss social cues to confusing our social roles as in talking to indirectly to professors as compared to our best friends. We also mix the median of messages from taking important information and conveying it over text messages. For example over text message you can not tell if somebody is funny, or actually serious just by using some emojis, and saying “lol”. Due to this we are confusing the median of the conversation by not knowing the appropriate way to contact or talk to someone. Relationships are also effected by the technology we use as in people do not know how indirectly talk to one another. For instance technology has brought people close, but when a couple texts, voice message, snapchats, and video calls, every second they are free, once they are in the presence of one another there is nothing left to talk about. Deterioration of communication takes a toll when couples spend every free time texting about their day, its as if technology has brought people too close that it destroys relationships and the art of
Since then I had constant communication with my friends and significant others. Social media has shaped my generation into hiding behind a screen instead of talking to people face to face. In fact during my interview my mother mentioned how my generation does not know how to commutate well to others. We miss social cues to confusing our social roles as in talking to indirectly to professors as compared to our best friends. We also mix the median of messages from taking important information and conveying it over text messages. For example over text message you can not tell if somebody is funny, or actually serious just by using some emojis, and saying “lol”. Due to this we are confusing the median of the conversation by not knowing the appropriate way to contact or talk to someone. Relationships are also effected by the technology we use as in people do not know how indirectly talk to one another. For instance technology has brought people close, but when a couple texts, voice message, snapchats, and video calls, every second they are free, once they are in the presence of one another there is nothing left to talk about. Deterioration of communication takes a toll when couples spend every free time texting about their day, its as if technology has brought people too close that it destroys relationships and the art of