After I eat dinner I walk back to my room and tyson follows me, I sit down in my gaming chair and throw a blanket over me, then Tyson crawls up under my blanket and curls up against me. I turn on my Xbox and play Forza Motorsport 7. I bought it on Black Friday and it's so fun to play. I then opened up pandora and was automatically given the most tough choice of my life, I just couldn't decide between old rock, punk rock, metal, Indie, and dubstep. I decided to go with Indie because that's the most laid back and I just want to chill. …show more content…
I turn on the surround sound and off the lights then sit down, I start hearing the theme song play, fallowing with the words “STRANGER THINGS” slowly appearing on the screen. Halfway thru the show my dad says “BLA BLA BLA” so I reply quickly with “SHUT UP DAD AND LISTEN” then he proceeds to talk during the most juicy part. When the movie ended my dad told me to go to bed so I went ahead and made my favorite midnight snack, Cookies and Milk, then waddled to my room. As i enter my room I whistle for Tyson and I hear him running down the hall to