I believe the purposes of an education is to prepare young adults for life, work, and citizenship. However, an education place an empty mind with a more open one. In life, it is hard for African Americans as a whole, and society feel as if one do not seek an education one does not want anything positive out of life. However, in most extreme cases that is not always true. An education …show more content…
These basics are the general courses such as: reading, mathematics, social studies, science, and writing. These basic courses provide a clear overview and foundation of the children’s education and what is expected to be taught at least 1-2 hours a day following an assignment and/or activity.
Children learn best in an environment that promotes learning. Features of a good learning environment are organization, colorful, and peer to peer learning. If a classroom is not organized it will become a distraction to the student, causing the student to focus more on the distraction rather than his or her work. A colorful classroom has the ability to inspire, excite, soothe, and agitate children. For example, red has the ability to energize the body and excite the mind. Peer to peer learning, shows how children work great in …show more content…
Qualities I think important for teaching are patience, honesty, and enthusiasm. Patience is important because teachers are always challenged with one or more students that sometime have a hard time learning what is being taught. One has to have patience to work with that particular student one-on-one. If a teacher is not honest with themselves, how could they be honest with their students? Favoritism is still being shown in today’s classroom and it is not fair. My beliefs are, what apply to one students must apply to all students. Teacher’s enthusiasm plays an important role in student’s attention and developing student’s positive attitude towards learning. Also, enthusiasm shows excitement about teaching and the children will pick it up.
All in all, becoming a teacher is not always easy. Teachers are shaping the world today for many students. Teachers are leading, inspiring, and innovating. Being a child’s advocate and helping him or her realizer his or her own potential has to be the greatest joy that comes with