My belief is that nurses have accountability to their patients to provide safe, holistic, patient-centered care. I believe in individualized care based on the not only the physical but the psychological needs of the patient. Nurses should use clinical judgment to help meet the needs of the patient. As advocates, we should empower our patients by encouraging them to become active allies in their own care. We should educate clients and their loved ones on diseases, treatments, and healthful activities in order to improve client outcomes. We should also strive to live out healthy behaviors in our own lives in order to provide better care to others. …show more content…
I use these values to guide my life decisions and attempt to live out on a day to day basis. I believe nursing is all about empathy, integrity and knowledge. The qualities that make a good nurse should not be turned off at the end of shift, but are part of me as an individual, and I carry them with me always. In order to live out my philosophies, I must try to remember that even though I always try to do my best, I am not perfect. If something does not go the way I planned, I will try to learn from the situation and move forward from