My initial reaction was that I foresaw Mr. Lewiston getting fired. I am not particularly insightful, but I believe that he was not taking no for an answer. I do not believe he meant Mrs. Gilbury any harm, moreover, I fell he was just a sad man in a bad place in his life. However, that does not excuse his actions. The world is changing and maybe back when Mr. Lewiston was younger his constant courting attempts her would seem endearing, but not today and especially not to a younger woman from a different generation. I feel Mr. Lewiston backed Mrs. Gilbury into a corner by making her feel uncomfortable. Therefore, she only reacted the only way she knew how. However, I do feel Mr. Lewiston supervisor needs to be held partially accountable. …show more content…
I would not fire Mr. Lewiston’s supervisor, but I would use this as a learning experience for him or her. Additionally, I would make sure the supervisor learns from this situation by explaining to them why it is important to be more engaged with your employees. I am not condoning lingering over your employees, but there is no excuse for a manager not to know when an employee is sending roses to another’s desk. Additionally, I would have Mr. Lewiston supervisor give him a glowing recommendation when he leaves the …show more content…
As I have discussed Mr. Lewiston went too far in his courting of Mrs. Gilbury. Mrs. Gilbury was not active enough in communicating her feelings to management. Mr. Lewiston’s supervisor was not involved in Lewiston’s behaviors at work. All of this led to a perfect storm of the school looking inept and Mr. Lewiston getting fired. The sad thing about this case is that it is not uncommon. Going forward this school needs to reevaluate how it manages its people. The employees clearly do not have the proper information of how to conduct themselves at work. In this instance the school’s management is solely responsible for what happened. Unfortunately, if they do fix themselves it is too late, a good man got fired and a good woman was harassed. The simplest and most forward way to prevent these kinds of situations from happening in the future is training. The school’s employees need to be properly trained on such things like sexual harassment, with firm and clear rules set in place. Moreover, managers need to be trained to look for these situations, and taught how to diffuse such instances so that good people are not put in compromising situations. It is a truly sad that cases like this one happen often. Especially, considering that it was very preventable. As a future manager I hope I am never faced with an employee making another uncomfortable, but if that situation arises I feel confidently I will not let the issue