It's with great pride that I say Mr. Talotta is my favorite person at Plainville High School. He treats every student with as much respect as he would to his own family. He gives lots of freedom to me and my fellow classmates which at a high school level, should be used responsibly. Unfortunately, there are people who are disrespecting Mr. Talotta's generous freedom. Everything that happens Mr. Talotta does not know about and I would not know how to approach him about this. After school on at least 5 occasions, students have disrespected Mr. Talotta by staying after he leaves in the afternoon. T always lets us get our stuff in the afternoon and sometimes he has to leave right after school so some students stay in the bandroom and let others in so we do not have to bother you during your busy day to unlock the bandroom. Lots of the students act responsibly, by taking there stuff, and making sure the door locks behind them, but, there is a group who is disrespecting T's trust. They are staying until everyone leaves and then they go explore the underground tunnels which has an entrance in the floor of the bandroom. It is unfortunate that this has happened on several occasions with students spending lengthly times in the bandroom. I really hate having to say this to you because the only outcome I can see is the bandroom being restricted to all students except during the dedicated band rehearsal. This is something I REALLY never want to happen. The bandroom to me a place of relaxation and it (sorry for my language) pisses me off that students are taking advantage of the freedom they are given. I come to you not knowing what should happen. I don't particularly want to give up names because these have been my friends for many years. It sad that this year I've stopped hanging out with a certain portion of my friends because all they want to do is trespassing and disrespecting someone (Mr. Talotta) who over 4 years has taught them that trust is earned and when given it should not be taken lightly. I don't want any punishment to come upon Mr. …show more content…
Talotta because high school students are sneaky as I'm sure you know. After school is the only problem that I know of. I don't want restrictions on going to the bandroom for study hall to be affected because it's a place where I can go and relax with great music. Why am I writing this now? What notion did I have that lead me to this point? The basement as I talked about before was the first reason I had, but the events that happened at Jazz Band tonight put it over the top. Jazz Band used to be full of responsible individuals who came to rehearsal to be with friends and to learn how to place great music. Over the past 2 years, however, the kids in my grade (and some from others) started to join the jazz band. This is when everything started to go wrong. Last year (as you may sadly remember) an disruption occurred during our Berkley overnight field trip. Although this is a different situation than what happened tonight, I'm still just upset at my fellow classmates. Tonight at jazz band, several students (during a 10 minute break Mr. Talotta always gives us) students started walking in the hallways and went upstairs into the 200 hallway. I didn't know what they were up to but I did follow. They proceeded into the English faculty room and then found a way to unlock the door which lead to the catwalk which goes over the Small Gymnasium. Past them walking up the stairs after the locked door they unlocked, I do not know what they did. Although,