She was Dutch woman of German-Jewish origin and was youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. In her work of the written diary, she is unambiguously precocious, charming and intelligent, and retained her cheerfulness and even during most testing and difficult of circumstances. Over the course of two years, she is transformed from spoiled and naive girl of thirteen into thoughtful and self-aware woman of fifteen. She did not have sufficient political acumen and knowledge, but becomes inquisitive to the length of asking the reasons and logic about anti-Semitism. While whole point of war does not make any sense to her at all.…
All Married couples hit rough patches in their relationships and it is about whether or not they power through those rough patches that determines the longevity of those relationships. If the relationship crumbles after just one fight or one argument then it’s questionably whether this relationship was real from the very start. In the story Under the Radar written by Richard Ford a married couple hit a rough patch. This rough patch not only destroys their relationship but leads to their inevitable deaths. In my interpretation of this story I came to the conclusion that both people in the relationship…
The novel Runner is a coming of age story written by Robert Newton, published in 2005. Charlie Feehan, a bright 16 year old boy living a low class life in the suburb of Richmond in 1919, battling his father’s recent passing and other troubles that come with poverty. He falls into working for an infamous criminal ‘Squizzy Taylor’ to earn money for his family, but will soon realise through his love for running, his true destiny, with the help of his newfound father Mr. Redmond. Newton uses ‘boots’ as a metaphor and each pair represents a different lifestyle that Charlie has. His father’s represent him stepping up and into the boots, he now carries a burden of responsibility and will take on a new role his father left behind.…
Ever since the incident occurred at the summer party, Melinda has certainly discovered a few positive, defining characteristics of herself. She has definitely grown from being temporarily defined as timorous and fearful of speaking up into a courageous, passionate teenager. Throughout the entire story every defining trait of hers are represented by the symbol of trees and more specifically, her drawing of a tree in Mr. Freeman’s art class is her own proof of her journey to discover her true identity, and her emotional recovery.…
Toni Cade Bambara’s short story “The Lesson,” illustrates the unequal distribution of wealth in America which causes the protagonist, Sylvia, to lose her innocence and reevaluate the social class spectrum she lives in. Miss Moore, who is the only person with a college degree in the area, wants to teach Sylvia and the other children a life-changing lesson in an outing to a toy store. From the group of children, Sylvia shows she is a naïve and stubborn child who does not value anyone’s opinion. However, she becomes a different character who changes perspective on the economic world.…
Phil Robertson “Our founding fathers started this country and built it on God and his word, and this country sure would be a better place to live and raise our own children if we still followed their ideals and beliefs.” - Phil Robertson Happy, Happy, Happy. That is a quote that sums up A&E 's television series, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson’s life and beliefs. When he got asked what matters the most in his life, he is always quick to say “Faith, family, and ducks - in that order.” Phil Robertson is an important figure in America because of his enthusiasm and passion for God, family, and duck hunting.…
I am writing an analysis paper for Dr. Manhattan character that explores the idea that the character is a satire for American or human use for dependency on technology. This is my thesis statement at the moment, “an analysis of the Watchmen character Dr. Manhattan serves a purpose of displaying Moore’s concept of human dependence in American society.” The opening of the essay will have a description of Aperture Science Laboratories form a video game called Portal where the scientist create artificial intelligence technology that was meant to help humanity but one dreadful day the technology decides to go against the human creators creating a god complex for the technology. I would follow by a real life attempt by creating an artificial intelligence.…
In the novel, Melinda did not know that she can be brave and confident enough to talk and shout for help. She does not know that she is capable of fighting back, yet in the end, she realized she fought back and shouted for help. It shows us that she just have to be strong and start to speak up because if she wasn’t strong and loud nobody could have heard her and she was raped again by Andy Evans. We should believe in ourselves and be strong because if we won’t we might just be in trouble or people won’t know what our backstory…
The Smith family of 4 is a French Canadian family who moved to Banff, Alberta in 1904. The immigration was because of the impact of Clifford Sifton who needed new farming workers to populate Western Canada (Canada 's plains). They moved with their two youthful children from Paris, France. They settled close to a farm which became theirs and near numerous new immigrants from different places. Alberta was totally an alternate affair for the family however they cherished the new enterprise in their life.…
“It wasn’t fair and I knew it”(Simpson, 120). This quote shows that Melinda hasn matured since she understand that compared to what her mother did for her, her fathers gift which was “a seventy-nine-cent package of headbands”(Simpson, 120). She also begins to understand that her fathers love was nothing. “But I didn’t say change a life, his life”(Simpson, 125). This quote just shows that she has matured since she has two options to pick from which is her mom’s love or father’s love.…
Deepan Patel December 9, 2016 Period: 2 ERWC Mr. Taylor Into the Wild Essay Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer, is about a young man from a rich family who hitchhiked to Alaska and walked all the way into the wilderness. Chris McCandless shows many personality traits. Chris is very intelligent in school, he is very strong willed, he is rebellious in his own ways, he doesn't like it when someone gives him advice or tells him what to do, and he is self involved, he is also very idealistic. He gets all these personality traits from his dad. He wanted to leave society and just be himself.…
Finally at the end of the book her tree sheds it’s dead branches and is able to live again. This also happen in real life in her front yard to symbolize that Melinda can share to the world not just her sketchpad. Another reason that she can share through her drawings is that the art teacher, Mr. Freeman, because he is the only one really trying to figure out what is going on in Melinda’s head. That’s why at the end he is the one she finally tells her whole story of her pain…
Henry Fleming was a youth that had wanted to enlist. Some of his personality traits are one that needs courage. He lacked courage that was needed for him during the war. This would come to him during the time of him facing the battles. Henry is an idealistic and completely self-absorbed teenager.…
Because of the snowball in her throat, she froze and could not get out what she wanted to say. That could have been her chance to tell her parents everything about what happened at the summer party. All of her problems would have been solved if the snowball in her throat was not there, which is why it is so crucial to speak, but by the end of the school year, the ice in Melinda’s throat melts freeing her voice. Mr. Freeman, Melinda’s art teacher, is with Melinda on the last day of school which is when “[Melinda] [tells] [Mr. Freeman] about [the summer party]” (Anderson 198). This is a good part of the story where Melinda finally talks about what had happened to her at the summer party.…
Exposition - Marvin is 10 years old, and his father is taking him through the different levels of the colony to a place he's never been before: They hop in a little scouting vechile with a pressurized cabin and take off away from the colony. Rising Action - As Marvin and his father leave the plateau wth the colony on it behind, they entered a darkened world surrounded by high mountains. Marvin is nervous as they pass a crashed rocket and darkened paths. He notice his father is driving like he's trying to escape from something.…