The beginning motive, seen in too many other pieces, embodies both styles. The first four measures, while clearly galant, contains a theme that is undoubtedly very fugal. One important part of the learned nature of this theme is its sacred qualities. Composers who used this “Fux” theme, aside from Mozart’s contemporaries such as both Haydns, also include sacred music composers such as Handel, Bach, and even earlier figures like Josquin and Palestrina. The C-D-F-E theme can be seen verbatim in Josquin’s Missa Pange Lingua. In Kyrie, C-D-F-E accompanies “Christe eleison” as it is repeated as a fugue in each of the four voices. In Mozart’s time, this theme is probably best known as the beginning of the hymn Lucis creator. The theme can date back as early as a Gregorian chant melody that can be found in Liber Usualis. Mozart clearly had this in mind when he composed this movement as the theme is in whole notes, giving it a very solemn and sacred quality. The slow rhythm also makes the motive maneuverable and able to function as the foundation of the movement as a cantus with rooms for development. This movement, unlike most of other fugal movements in its time, does not begin with a fugue. Rather, the start of the movement could not have been more galant. The first violin’s “Fux” theme in whole note rhythm is accompanied by an alberti bass in the second violin, which is a hallmark of the galant style. This opening is thus both galant and
The beginning motive, seen in too many other pieces, embodies both styles. The first four measures, while clearly galant, contains a theme that is undoubtedly very fugal. One important part of the learned nature of this theme is its sacred qualities. Composers who used this “Fux” theme, aside from Mozart’s contemporaries such as both Haydns, also include sacred music composers such as Handel, Bach, and even earlier figures like Josquin and Palestrina. The C-D-F-E theme can be seen verbatim in Josquin’s Missa Pange Lingua. In Kyrie, C-D-F-E accompanies “Christe eleison” as it is repeated as a fugue in each of the four voices. In Mozart’s time, this theme is probably best known as the beginning of the hymn Lucis creator. The theme can date back as early as a Gregorian chant melody that can be found in Liber Usualis. Mozart clearly had this in mind when he composed this movement as the theme is in whole notes, giving it a very solemn and sacred quality. The slow rhythm also makes the motive maneuverable and able to function as the foundation of the movement as a cantus with rooms for development. This movement, unlike most of other fugal movements in its time, does not begin with a fugue. Rather, the start of the movement could not have been more galant. The first violin’s “Fux” theme in whole note rhythm is accompanied by an alberti bass in the second violin, which is a hallmark of the galant style. This opening is thus both galant and