Chara didn 't know who, but someone, between that excursion and coming back home, told the teachers. The teachers told their parents. The parents passed their lesson to Chara with the same brutal force as usual. They played with fire, and they were burned once more, though this time, they retaliated. When it came time to take their medication, the child struck back against those overbearing figures who caused them so much misery. Then, they ran. Was there any other choice? Staying in that house would only mean more punishment, and their parents were too shocked by Chara 's violent rebuttal to stop the immediate dash. If they stopped, they would be caught. Chara was in control, as long as they got …show more content…
They didn 't know if their parents had pursued them to the base of the mountain or not, but one thing was certain; they didn 't follow up the rugged path. The child collapsed partway up the mountain, choking up and coughing violently into the dirt as they let out some horrific noise between a cry and a laugh. Free. They were free! No one could stop them up here, away from humans and fully in control of their own fate. Sure, without medication and care, it would probably be a short-lived deed. But even a few seconds of this exhilarating life was worth so much more than going back there. They swore here: Never would they return back to human society. Whatever lie up here, come paradise or death, was their destiny. When they recovered from their fit, Chara clambered to their feet, moving up the slopes against the aching pain of their lungs, against the fatigue in their legs. Upward was the only path, away from