The reason for their action of kindness is to feel good. Therefore, wanting to feel good is selfish acts that circle them. The person that seeks his or her self-interest is known as an ethical egoist. Ethical egoism express that we are required to do what is best for us (book). The choices we make every day should be to improve ourselves. An Ethical egoists goal is to advance their interests. A lot of people are willing to put their head together to attain a common goal. However, they are not helping each other but acquiring information or education by working …show more content…
For this reason, the person makes a lot of decisions that are in favor of the individual. Any decisions that a person makes is a reflection of him or herself. Psychological and ethical egoism play a role in our lives, we decide after taking into consideration of how it that decision will reflect on us. An individual makes thoughtful and rational decisions that they profit from and will give them bragging rights (Rational Choice Theory Definition). It is normal for a person to want to progress and find prosperity. Individuals make decisions after learning how it will benefit them. Therefore, they make decision thinking of only one