When nick came back from dinner at Daisy’s house he saw Gatsby staring at green light, which in a way it gave a mysterious vibe form Gatsby. But I didn’t call to him for he gave him a sudden intimation that he was a content to be (Fitzgerald 25) Gatsby is not seen a lot throughout West Egg but if you see him which is why Nick did not call Gatsby 's name. Gatsby was person that also had to do something. "He was never quite still; there was always a tapping foot somewhere or the impatient opening and closing of a hand.”(Fitzgerald68) Nick described Gatsby 's personality which was that he was impatient …show more content…
Women would be able to cheat on their husbands and would not feel bad about afterwards. "She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner-time. Don 't you think.”(Fitzgerald20) Tom had another women and she didn’t care at what time she called him. Women would go to parties unaccompanied by man. I like to come Lucille said I never care what I do, so I have a good time.”(Fitzgerald47) Lucille goes to a lot of parties with twin sister and she just likes to have fun. Anyway, setting is used throughout the novel like the other books. The book is based on the Roaring20 's which was based on New York . “After the we were to the grounds and the swimming pool and the hydroplane …”(Fitzgerald99) Daisy, Nick and Gatsby went the hydroplane to see above in the sky. Women were not following women like traditions. “As he left the room again she got up and went over to Gatsby, and pulled his face down kissing him."(Fitzgerald122) When Tom was not around Daisy would take that chance to be with Gatsby. In conclusion, the book The Great Gatsby is a perfect example for authors in the modernism period. Modernism was used a new writing it used local color or realism, characterization and setting. The book was an interesting novel that kept you intrigued. Many authors have wrote different books of the Great