Kort, Michael G. China under Communism. Brookfield, Millbrook Press, 1994.
This book, written by a renowned historian, informs the reader about Chinese Communism, discussing the importance of the Red Guards. As the book is mostly factual, the Red Guards are accurately described murdering thousands, torturing family members, and destroying paintings. While the entire source is not opinionated, a primary …show more content…
The song included within the article is a primary source as it is a song from the Cultural Revolution. Due to the fact that the song is written in complex diction, younger students may be incapable of understanding the message hidden within the song. Furthermore, because no author is provided and no organization in listed, the information found may not be completely accurate. Therefore, only the song itself, an artifact of the Cultural Revolution, should be interpreted by the reader. The song provides awareness into the arts allowed during the Cultural Revolution and the propaganda the Red Guards