In general, alcohol consumption of any age is unhealthy and dangerous, but more so …show more content…
Over and over schools try to advocate that alcohol intake under 21 is bad and harmful, but kids still partake in it. “Schools are torn on whether to ban alcohol or introduce ‘safe’ drinking habits.” (“Liberating a Drinking Culture” 2) The school knows the law so why don’t they figure out a way to show kids to abide by it? Furthermore, schools need to show these kids they aren’t missing out on anything. Alcohol can ruin students ability in the classroom. So “schools must show students how to live a good life, full of healthy relationships and learning-and free of the notion that liquor is a liberator.” (“Liberating a Drinking Culture” 2) Education is one of the most important aspects in our society. So lets educate the youth on something so simple about why the law is what it is. College may be a more mature school experience, but it still doesn’t mean underage drinking is okay. Source A is a political cartoon that refers to the fact that students don’t see the issue with drinking and they will do anything to get alcohol no matter what age. They will use literally any excuse, in this case to help studies, to get the legal age changed. If education starts sooner and the legal drinking age is sturdily kept at 21 instead of lowering it to 18, then the issue at hand would …show more content…
There’s just one thing… driving and drinking at the same time don’t mix! Driving takes 100% attention or the chance that yourself or another person getting injured or even killed is highly likely. The facts say that “every day, almost 29 people in the United States die in alcohol-impaired vehicle crashes- that’s one person every 50 minutes in 2016.” (“Drunk Driving” 1) This is because teenagers have trouble making fast decisions while intoxicated. Drinking and driving is as dangerous as it sounds. Mothers Against Drunk Driving states that every two minutes a person is injured in a drunk driving crash. “If students are driving back from parties and not driving sober, there is a high chance that they or someone else will get injured.” (Fox 2) Students under the age of 21 are unable to control their judgement in situations like this. If this is the case, maybe the law should be enforced stronger. Usually when an act is destructively repeating with damage it’s put to a stop. So what’s the real question were asking? Well “how many times do we read in the news where someone gets behind the wheel of a car, gets in a wreck and kills themselves and/or others? It happens more than it should.” (“21 for a Reason” 2 ) If the drinking age is lowered, drunk-driving accidents will significantly increase and so will the deaths of teens and innocent victims. A few weeks ago at school, Save a Life Tour