The church unified medieval Europe and touched everyone’s lives no matter what age, or what class someone was. (Doc. 3) There were certain acts that the Catholic people were expected to follow. For example a couple days after a baby was born they were baptized. At a young age children were taught to pray, go to church every week, and learn their responsibilities to the church. (Doc. 3) On top of that everyone had to live by the laws of the church and pay heavy taxes. (Doc. 3) People did all these things because they believed their souls were the most important things they had, and that true religion was the only way to save them. Along with the church, there was a code of Chivalry that was created by warriors who valued protection. (Doc. 5) A knight was expected to not only have strength and skills to face combat but was also expected to have a chivalrous side to his nature. In Europe violence and invasions was common during the Middle Ages. Because of this situation knights fought for lords and ladies to live up to this code. (Doc. 5) Some things that the code of Chivalry stated for you to do was to defend the church, stand up for your country, remain faithful, and always do what's good and rightful. (Doc.
The church unified medieval Europe and touched everyone’s lives no matter what age, or what class someone was. (Doc. 3) There were certain acts that the Catholic people were expected to follow. For example a couple days after a baby was born they were baptized. At a young age children were taught to pray, go to church every week, and learn their responsibilities to the church. (Doc. 3) On top of that everyone had to live by the laws of the church and pay heavy taxes. (Doc. 3) People did all these things because they believed their souls were the most important things they had, and that true religion was the only way to save them. Along with the church, there was a code of Chivalry that was created by warriors who valued protection. (Doc. 5) A knight was expected to not only have strength and skills to face combat but was also expected to have a chivalrous side to his nature. In Europe violence and invasions was common during the Middle Ages. Because of this situation knights fought for lords and ladies to live up to this code. (Doc. 5) Some things that the code of Chivalry stated for you to do was to defend the church, stand up for your country, remain faithful, and always do what's good and rightful. (Doc.