A. Jobs – We have industry in Metcalfe with available positions. We also need new industry, but we have to have people for those jobs. I feel we need to work with the school system on vocational training for industrial jobs. The more trained people we have the better our chances are to receive new businesses and industry. My plan would be to work with the school system to get this accomplished.
B. Ambulance – Finding ways to fund the program whether to stay with Barren-Metcalfe or to do something else. If Metcalfe has to pay the 47 percent that they are asking us to pay, it will be financially devastating. I will create a panel of people to hash out the best way …show more content…
Pension Phase In – We will have to come up with ways to create more revenue in the county. Hopefully by new business coming in or by me speaking with state officials in Frankfort on a regular basis
2. With the addition of new businesses in Metcalfe County, some residents have expressed concerns for what they believe to be a deteriorating quality of life, perhaps by inappropriate location. Are you in favor of county-wide zoning to manage future growth and development?
First of all, I would like to apologize to the citizens that have expressed concern of what they believe to be a deteriorating quality of life or an inappropriate location of industries. I believe all new industries should be brought before the Fiscal Court to avoid improper industries or improper location of industries in Metcalfe County. I am not in favor of county-wide zoning. Most citizens in the rural areas of the county that I have spoken with are not in favor of county-wide zoning. As a representative of Metcalfe, I would try to honor their wishes, but do feel that ordinances are important in our county.
3. What will you do to improve the quality of life for resident of Metcalfe