As aware as Patrick Henry is about many economic situations, he explains what he is willing to do to attain his goal which, is to take “…[The] course others may [not] take;…[and to be] [given]… liberty or … death!!” To create the contrasts depicted between being weighed down, and being weightless, the word liberty associates with vivaciousness, in …show more content…
The darkness on the other hand, negatively associates with complete confusion, fear, and a sense of insecurity that clouds people’s judgment abilities. To counteract the darkness, which refers to tyranny, he says that experience is needed because to counteract the effects of tyranny. The speaker maintains a virtuous tone regarding the attainments of freedom because he has “The lamp of experience,” implying that he has patience, which is a virtue that takes a lifetime to attain and master. When the speaker speaks of “The lamp of experience,” he implies to his audience, that those who do not have experience, or patience, will be lost in the process of attaining