Mental Health On College Campuses

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The community health meeting mainly focused on mental health education. The topic of mental health education was an excellent topic of focus, because education is one of the pillars of public health. Many stakeholders stated that there is still a stigma about mental health, but that through education, the stigma can slowly deteriorate. Specifically, the stakeholders mentioned that students need to be taught the symptoms of mental illness because students may merely regard their symptoms (e.g., trouble concentrating) as part of the college experience. Educating students about the signs of mental illness can spark up a conversation on mental illness, since people may realize that they need help or others need help. Furthermore, teaching students about mental health illnesses can make the topic mental health not as embarrassing to talk about; people will realize that mental illnesses are serious problems and that mental illnesses are fairly common during the college years (i.e., when students develop personally and socially). I had an awareness about college mental health as a public health issue because of media coverage about suicides and violent acts on college campuses. However, the Public Health Perspectives course made me take a different view on the topic. The material learned in PBH 201 caused me to …show more content…
There are numerous variables that affect the mental health of college students and therefore, there is not one correct way to minimize the problem. Nevertheless, it is crucial to approach college mental health in different ways. For example, it is important to educate students on the mental health issues, but it is also important to provide effective treatment for those already suffering from mental illnesses. If different areas are tackled, then the mental health of college students can improve. One particular area that was mentioned in the discussion was the poor time management of college

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