There are specific types of depression such as Bipolar, this is where a person may have an episode of depression followed by an episode of mania. Mania is the opposite of depression. A person experiencing mania may be: Highly manic and very talkative but finds it difficult to stick to one subject. Be very overconfident and …show more content…
This can create one of the main symptoms of GAD which is overwhelming anxiety and worry. The person may not even be facing any clear signs of trouble but cannot overcome the feeling of worrying about it.
Physical symptoms of GAD include headaches, fast or pounding heart with an inability to relax.
Psychological symptoms of GAD include excessive worry, feeling on edge, difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbances. After GAD has been present for a while a person may have inability making decisions that would normally be easy and may continually seek reassurance about everyday matters.
Panic Disorder is where a panic attack is experienced. This can lead to an intense fear or terror and the onset of intense apprehension. The intense fear is inappropriate for the situation they are in and the attacks can begin and develop rapidly. A person experiencing a panic attack will develop several of the following symptoms at the same time: Trembling or shaking, feeling dizzy, feeling of unreality or detachment of ones surroundings, sweating, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying, increased awareness of heart beat, feeling of choking, shortness of breath or breathing, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or abdominal …show more content…
It may not be possible to realise that a person is engaging in compulsive behaviour as some of the symptoms may be happening internally such as silently repeating words. A person may feel compelled to behave in this way in order to reduce feelings of anxiety. . Obsessional thoughts are recurrent thoughts, impulses or images that the person can't dispel. These thoughts are inappropriate and unwanted and cause increased anxiety in the person. OCD can be described as obsessional thoughts and compulsive behaviours accompanying the feelings of anxiety.
Eating disorders are often, but not always, associated with low self-esteem. They can also be thought of as a class of anxiety associated with OCD. Some forms of eating disorders can include:
Anorexia Nervosa is brought on by restricting and controlling body weight by reducing calorie intake. It can become a problem making a person physically ill when the body has been denied calories for lengthy period of time. There can be some association with a negative body image but this is not always the case. Some people will starve themselves regardless.
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia can be described as the eating of lots of food the purging or fasting or lots of exercising. The purging can be in the form of vomiting up the food or by the use of