However suitable my training level remains after graduation, it is necessary for me to continue my education that will afford me opportunities to mature as a professional counselor. Ultimately, I will pursue my doctorate in …show more content…
The stand in which the mental health community has taken continues as an inspiration of unconditional positive regard to all humans. Hence, my attraction to the field remains non-judgmental of all those who suffer from a mental illness, an urge to facilitate wellness, a propensity to help teach mindfulness, and an obvious calling for social justice.
Continued education will offer me an opportunity to work with diverse clients from a range of cultures. However good my education level remains, I will need to continue to investigate educational programs that offer me opportunities to grow as a professional counselor. My journey has just begun as a helper even though my life experiences are numerous. I am very satisfied with the person I am becoming today and my hope is to help others shape their lives into a rewarding, healthy, and self-actualizing