Media Outlook Research Paper

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Media outlook
In America today, the media has shaped males and females to have a significant impact on the way both male and females should look and act. Men often act aggressively, never showing any emotion to what is taking place in their lives or around them. Men also depicted as lustful lotharios, constantly on the hunt for a new woman. Women, on the other hand, are usually portrayed as attractive, and emotional beings who seek satisfaction in pleasing the men in their life. The media has sexualized little girls and women in how they should act and look from an early age even though parents try to raise them with moral and value. The media is still sending dangerous messages to young people. The media still has such a strong hold over the way women see themselves and how their peers see them as well. Miss representation often arises in how we are developing our young girls socially, emotionally, and mentally. When it comes to the way men and women are characterized in the different movies we entertain, the media needs to take a step in a different way from changing the role in which men and women see themselves not just in movies but in society as well. For example, girls should not wear revealing clothes to play a major part in a movie or act very weak to play a lead role in the movie. They should have the same character as the men or play the same role. The movie “Miss Representation” speaks a lot about how girls have to be weak or wear nothing at all to play key role in most everything they do or say. The documentation of “Miss Representation”, “girls” are learning to see themselves as objects. The American Psychological Association calls self-objectification a national epidemic: “Women and girls who self-objectify are more likely to be depressed, have lower confidence, lower ambition and lower GPAs.” The universal portrayal of women in films is having greater adverse effects and needs to be stopped. Women in today’s world are face with so many problems, when it comes to being an actor in a movie or becoming a singer; if they want a lead part in a movie they would have to belittle themselves and lose their self-worth or become sex toys to play a part next to man because they are not playing who they are, but what they are in a man’s world. In Society most men try to play the tough and Lothario role, because they want to get drunk and have sex with women to prove that they are in control and confidence about themselves; this shows how men are lacking emotion and compassion towards women around them. The entertainment world on the very odd occasion would show sign of men crying or having sign of weakness.
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The media has such a bad influence over today’s generation in the music they listen to, the videos they are dancing to as well as the gender they are. The dancers are all white or sometimes all black, the girls also wear revealing clothes. The majority of the girls in the videos are skinny and have fake bodies. It is very sad that women spend over excessive amount of money a year on beauty products, salon services and plastic surgery, trying to beautify themselves and still feel less than who they really are. The media approaches girls in a way to show them that they are not human beings, that they are just objects. Women and girls are being pressured so much that they start to see themselves as objects to the music videos and in the entertainment world they are being reduced to sexual objects. Women are projected to be available for men to use as a sex toys. In media across America, women are disrespected in so many ways. Some songs tell women that a man can beat on them, cheat on them and call them dirty names without a problem. The videos also show women that they can be used as sex objects and punching bags, how sad it is for society to set up the young girls to look at themselves in such an undesirable way. As an educator I would like for the school system to have something in place to

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