Media Bias In Research

Improved Essays
Media Bias

Bias damages research as the researcher chooses to allow his bias to distort the measurements and observations or their interpretation. Bernie Sanders’ plan ensures that every American student gets the opportunity to go to college regardless of their family’s financial situation. Each article proves how the author reveals bias by revealing the rhetoric that persuades the intended audience and who’s responsible for the perpetuation of misinformation. Although the author’s criticizes the government’s role in Bernie Sanders by emphasizing the problems with the budget of the country and providing skewed statistics, Newsweek offers a more neutral view of the issue because it relies on facts & statistics plus offers both perspectives
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In this article The authors purpose is to prove that the reason the bill hasn't been passed is because states don't feel like it's a major issue and that free college isn't a national advantage. The article is directed towards general public specifically college students which can be seen when the author states “...Excelsior Scholarship, which will allow students whose families earn less than $125,000 a year to attend state public colleges and universities tuition-free.” (Newsweek). This quote hints the intended audience in the author’s use of the diction “scholarship” and “students” A negative effect that the article may have on the audience is that from reading the article, they may oppose Trump’s beliefs because the article states how he allows budget cuts on education. A positive effect is that the society can be informed what exactly Bernie Sander’s tuition free plan is and how it will benefit them. In extension, The article uses authority as their claims relies on the credibility and supports their claims with logical statistics and cited quotes from government officials. This can be seen when the author states, “These plans aren't always perfect—students can still break the bank covering room, board, textbook and food expenses—but they're often a start in decreasing sticker prices.” (Newsweek). This quote is significant because it proves …show more content…
Bernie's plan is to make college tuition free and that The idea of having free tuition opens door for many and gives chances for others to make a change. The intended audience in the article is the general public. This can be proven in the author’s use of the title, “Senator Bernie Sanders Introduces The ‘College For All’ Act” (The Daily Good). The quote hints the intended audience in the author’s use of the diction “college for all” It uses the logos; authority as the author’s claims rely on the credibility of the information used. In addition, the article is not biased as the author uses both viewpoints of the audience on the topic. This can be seen when the author states, “To pay for the bill, the federal government would pay 67 percent while state governments would foot the bill for the other third.” (The Daily Good). Despite the source being a lesser-known and the author’s lack of high vocabulary it is still credible because the author’s addition of facts and statistics are acquired from credible sources and offers both perspectives of the topic, the government and the students benefiting from the plan. Since The critical reader may question where the author acquired their facts and statistics inputted on the article, the reader is responsible for the perpetuation of

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