Earning two wins and seven Academy Award nominations, L.A. Confidential director, Curtis Hanson depicts the crime/drama/mystery/thriller genre film that fades-in to an extreme close-up in the opening of the film that includes a postcard of L.A. and directly to a montage of various newsreel footage, in arrangement with the narration voice-over of Sid Hudgens (Danny DeVito), which helps to set-up the plot to the viewers of a corrupt police department.
Additionally, nominated for one Academy Award and four Golden Globe Awards, director Woody Allen depicts diegetic sound in the film Match Point, through intercutting opera music that he incorporates into the film, which is ingeniously both diegetic and non-diegetic, and expressive to the characters in the scene as well as the …show more content…
Consequently, the final scene narrative voice-over suggests Lester’s state of consciousness in death, and leads viewers to recognize that Lester is finally happy in his spiritual state, and he retells his old memories of his life and he includes a final statement which he directs to the viewers. Director Sam Mendes, plants American Beauty, and grows the film through a form of his varieties in casting, and characterizes Lester’s (Kevin Spacey) murder by the hands of Col. Frank Fitts (Chris Cooper), who ends Lester’s painful and unreachable life’s journey for the American Dream, which has an implicit meaning that is expressed to viewers through Lester’s afterlife narration voice-over in American