We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.” Injustice is not only happened in the 1960’s, injustice has been happening thought history. The clergymen who Dr. King calls white moderates have a strong family value, Dr. King provides stories of child of color feels to reach out to them. Seeking an explanation to your six-year-old daughter on why we can’t go to a public amusement park that she saw on television. Seeing tears fall down her face knowing that it’s closed to children of color. Tell the clergymen that they cannot wait much longer. Making them understand that white people don’t have to go through mistreat or being kicked out of places. "Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?"...then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait.” Individual action, defensing to stand up and sacrifice themselves for freedom and justice. On the second half of the letter Dr. King attacking the clergymen for sin from ignorance or error, giving them a solution for a way to backtrack. Moderate’s ignorant and unwitting sinfulness as a reflection in Dr. King’s argument. The “separation” of men remain silent which he equates with sinfulness. Largest obstacle Dr. King decries moderation towards equal rights in American at the time. One of the examples he used was on how Jesus and the moderates did not protect the Jews of Nazi Germany. The moderation as he argues disguise for cowards the fear of upsetting the status quo more than desire to pursue justice. In conclusion, Dr. King wrote a master piece arguing with the clergymen for the freedom of justices. There is no doubt that Martin Luther king Jr. was a great man who influenced this country for the better for the rest of its history. Being equal going where we want without being kicked
We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.” Injustice is not only happened in the 1960’s, injustice has been happening thought history. The clergymen who Dr. King calls white moderates have a strong family value, Dr. King provides stories of child of color feels to reach out to them. Seeking an explanation to your six-year-old daughter on why we can’t go to a public amusement park that she saw on television. Seeing tears fall down her face knowing that it’s closed to children of color. Tell the clergymen that they cannot wait much longer. Making them understand that white people don’t have to go through mistreat or being kicked out of places. "Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?"...then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait.” Individual action, defensing to stand up and sacrifice themselves for freedom and justice. On the second half of the letter Dr. King attacking the clergymen for sin from ignorance or error, giving them a solution for a way to backtrack. Moderate’s ignorant and unwitting sinfulness as a reflection in Dr. King’s argument. The “separation” of men remain silent which he equates with sinfulness. Largest obstacle Dr. King decries moderation towards equal rights in American at the time. One of the examples he used was on how Jesus and the moderates did not protect the Jews of Nazi Germany. The moderation as he argues disguise for cowards the fear of upsetting the status quo more than desire to pursue justice. In conclusion, Dr. King wrote a master piece arguing with the clergymen for the freedom of justices. There is no doubt that Martin Luther king Jr. was a great man who influenced this country for the better for the rest of its history. Being equal going where we want without being kicked