At the age of five martin Luther King jr. started public school but was then told he could not continue his education until he was six. In May of 1941 his grandmother passed away when he was twelve years old. He had a very strong and special bond with her, after she passes he became very depressed and even tried to commit suicide by jumping from a two story window at his family home.He and his siblings participated in extracurricular activities like sports throughout their school years. He also had a job as a paperboy. Dr. MArtin Luther King Jr. was a very bright and talented student. He was so talented that he was able to skip grades 9 and 11 at Booker T. Washington High School. He was able to enter Morehouse College in 1944 at the age of fifteen. At Morehouse college he earned a degree in sociology. Martin luther King Jr. had always been involved in …show more content…
created the “Southern Christian leadership conference”, in 1957. The Christian leadership would lead non-violent protests to promote civil rights. In February of 1960, a movement call the “sit in” took place. The movement was head in Greensboro, North Carolina. The “sit-in” was successful and resulted in an end to segregation at lunch counters in 27 Southern