Marketing and stakeholder relationships are identified when the relationship is beneficial to the organisations business goals. These stakeholders could be internal such as colleagues and management or they could be external such as shareholders and customers. Prioritisation is identified based on what stakeholder relationship is more beneficial to the organisation than others. These relationships are developed from working with the stakeholders and acting upon feedback given.
At Havering, the relationships between the local authority and the schools was the most prioritised as it was the responsibility of the departments I worked …show more content…
You can also find out how valuable a stakeholder is by mapping. By identifying these traits you can build relationships with the stakeholders by involving their suggestions in making decisions and agreeing organisational objectives. In order to maintain these relationships, you should keep informing an organisation of any decisions that require their involvement and respond quickly to their feedback.
1.3: Describe the nature of interest of different stakeholder groups and how this affects the nature of relationships and communications
Different stakeholder groups tend to have different interests. For instance, customers and shareholders may different ideas and viewpoints for future business decisions. Different stakeholders may have a different preference on the communication methods used. Businesses tend to take quicker notice to the stakeholders that are more important to achieving their business goals. This is because it will build stronger relations with those stakeholders making their business goals easier to achieve.
1.4: Explain the significance of stakeholders to the achievement of the overall marketing …show more content…
You can then create an engagement strategy with your stakeholders in a variety of ways depending on their needs. At Havering we find out stakeholders attitudes towards the organisation by offering them questionnaires and feedback forms to complete after training courses. Their feedback allows us to find out if the training was beneficial to their role and what other training they feel would be beneficial for fulfilling their day to day duties. This allows us to establish their attitude to an