Mariachi Research Paper

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A Mariachi is a musical group that are originally from Mexico, consisting at least two violinist, two trumpets, a Spanish guitar, a vihuela, and a guitarrón. The word mariachi was considered to be derived from marriage, which is the French word for marriage, since mariachi often performed at weddings. Mariachi music as we know today is originated Jalisco, Mexico. Mariachi is sound, also known as son, is a mixture of Spanish, native and African traditions, which differs form region to region. The music, from the beginning, was dance music. The traditional dance was associated with Zapateado, which was originated from Spain. The music and tradition of mariachi has been extended form Mexico to other countries and became popular around the world, …show more content…
After mass, the mariachi group began to play as we were exiting out of the church and headed to the hall, since the hall was right next door to the church. No one in the group was singing just yet but playing a music that was not too loud but very jubilant. The group had matching outfits, in which they were all dressed in white with silver galas on the side of their pants and jackets. As everyone was getting their food, the mariachi continued playing, but a bit louder. After a while, the quincenera went to the middle of the hall and sat down on a chair while the mariachi played music for her in honor of her birthday. Shortly after, people came up and dance with her while the mariachi proceeded playing. What I found amazing while this was going on is that a few of my uncles went up and sang with the mariachi. For this whole event, I felt like the purpose of a mariachi for this event is to remind everyone what our culture consist of. We all dance and sung with the mariachi for a little while but when it was later in the night, modern music was played by a DJ. I appreciated the effort and music the mariachi group gave in their performance. I noticed how the trumpet usually took the main role while the violins supported the trumpets voice, usually by pizzicato. The guitar and guitarrón were mainly the background music that played the same rhythm over and over. It made me realize the beauty of

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