Maria Estela Monreal Analysis

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Maria Estela Monreal is a 77 year old Mexican female. Maria, a devoted Catholic, is this writer’s maternal Grandmother. Maria was born on July 29th of 1938 in Matatan, Sinaloa, Mexico. During her teenage years after her father’s death Maria’s mother decided to move with 5 children across two states. Maria and her family started a new life in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico where later she met her husband. During the 1960’s Maria married Jose Luis Monreal. From 1960-1963 Jose Luis, my Grandfather started working as a Bracero. The Bracero program consisted of Mexican migrant workers who came to the USA to work on agricultural fields. Later my Grandfather was able to obtain legal documentation as permanent residents of the United States. Once having legal residency, both Maria and Jose continued as migrant workers, migrating from Arizona to California. During migration, Maria and Jose had the opportunity to attend the manifestos of Cesar Chavez. After a couple of years Maria and Jose settled in their current town of San Luis, Az. Currently, Maria resides in San Luis, Arizona. Maria resides on her own after she divorced Jose Luis after a 23 year marriage. Before Maria’s divorce, she gave birth to 3 females and one male. Maria is now influenced by the support of all of her children. Maria is able to provide for her own basic needs. Maria wakes up every day before 7 am. She takes her high blood pressure medication, calcium and vitamins. Maria has been diagnosed with high blood pressure for over 20 years now. Currently she is going through a phase of pre-arteritis, which limits her ability to grab many things. Maria’s days consist of cooking her own meals, cleaning her house, attending doctors’ appointments (when needed and/or scheduled), and watching TV. Maria relies on 3 of the 4 adult children to take her grocery shopping, run errands and to doctor’s appointment. This writer’s aunts and uncle are responsible to take her on family events. Maria sustains herself by receiving governmental assistance. Maria receives Social Security Income, Supplemental Security Income, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. For Maria’s medical coverage, she receives Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Maria also receives the assistance of her son who pays for television cable. One of the daughters is in charge of paying her electrical bill, another daughter is in charge of paying the mortgage and telephone service. To engage in the conversation about her and Jose Luis journey as migrant workers, writer asked “tell me more about being a migrant worker”. …show more content…
Maria shared that for the first 5 years of their marriage, they travelled back and forth from San Luis, Arizona to Salinas, California. Maria reported that each year they would stay in a different house. Maria stated that living in Salinas was renting a room in a house where they usually had to share the house with two other families. Maria shared that Jose always worked on the lettuce fields. Jose worked picking up lettuce where he then passed it to another person who was in charge of wrapping and packing. Maria shared that within the 5 years that they travelled back and forth, she only worked two years. Maria reported that the first year she worked was wrapping and packing the lettuce in the field. The following year she worked in a tomato farm. Maria shared that in the tomato farm, she was responsible for picking the tomato from the vine and packing. Maria reported that work hours were intense. Working hours consist from 5 am through 7 pm, with minimal time for breaks and lunch. Maria shared that every day she would get home dizzy and very week. Maria shared that it was very hard to come home after 14 hour shift and still have housekeeping duties. After two years Maria got pregnant with her first child. By their 5th year they were pregnant with their 2nd child. Maria shared that after the 5th year Jose and herself stopped traveling back and forth. Maria reported that Jose continued working in the lettuce fields in Yuma, Az. Maria shared that she was dedicated on being a mother and house wife. Later, Jose opened a brickyard and

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